Why is Social Media Important
For Your Business?

Social networks have become not only a new trend when it comes to relationships, but they also represent a work tool for many companies when it comes to analyzing the profiles of potential employees, to promote a product or service or to encourage interaction among the employees.

Websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn offer new communication and advertising media, providing advantages such as these:

  • Strengthens the brand image and increases notoriety.
  • Attract traffic to your web page.
  • Improve the positioning of your company and increase its visibility.
  • It allows you to contact and interact with your potential client.
  • It helps you gain consumer trust and loyalty.
  • It is an effective way to publicize your products and services.
  • It alerts you to possible problems with your products and services.

We work so that your followers
are your best prescribers.

Do you spend hours uploading content on your social networks and you can't increase your community or your sales? There are many reasons that can lead you to this situation and one that sums them all up: your Social Media strategy is not correct.

At Fast Digital we study your potential client: what they are like, what their interests are, how they talk and what social networks they frequent. Only by capturing their attention and adding value to your content can you differentiate yourself from your competition and seduce.

Stop wasting time and money and turn your posts into business opportunities.


No matter what product or service we are interested in: before buying, we want to know what others think of it. We care about what our friends and family think, consumers and, above all, the people we follow and admire.
At Fast Digital WS we detect the influencers with whom your target customer identifies and we contact them so that they become ambassadors of your brand.


Crises are like summer storms: they appear without warning. But, just because you don't know when they will arrive, doesn't mean you can't be prepared to face them.
At Fast Digital WS we jointly prepare a Crisis Manual with you with the actions to be taken in a situation of these characteristics and we put it into practice if necessary.

Behind Our Social Media Management Process

The presentation of the brand in the different Social Network platforms is like the cover of a book; an impact that defines the rest of the user's actions. We seek to create valuable content to be able to highlight your business above your competitors.

Our work methodology is based on building specific and measurable actions oriented to results that guarantee sales, SEO positioning and brand exposure . Each of these actions generates precise information for us that allows us to polish and refine our processes and funnels, which translates into sustained profitability for the projects in which we participate.



We identify your target and your competition, we study your strengths and weaknesses and we define the objectives. Next, we design a strategy for success.


Taking into account the Social Media strategy, we establish a calendar of actions and put them into practice. Each one has a specific goal and completion time.



We connect with your potential client, interact with them and create communities of prescribers that help give your brand notoriety and visibility.


It is useless to do without reviewing the results. We measure the scope and effectiveness of the Social Media strategy. Every month we send you a report with the objectives achieved.

Return on Investment

Our digital campaigns are completely focused on conversion results and their measurement.

Thanks to this precision, our professionals can create 100% personalized strategies and use the appropriate tools to achieve them.

Social Media Agency designed specifically for your brand or service and focused exclusively on increasing your digital benefit.

If you are looking for an agency to delegate the management of your company's social networks, at Time2rank we can help you. We have different social media plans based on the number of posts, giveaways, user interactions, advertising campaigns, etc. Find out now without obligation!


    No Contracts. Cancel Anytime!


    The costs of this type of service vary according to several factors. Among them are the frequency of communications or campaigns, as well as the type of content to be developed or the number of channels to be managed.

    Setting fair prices is essential for us. We want to be 100% committed to our customers. To achieve this level of commitment we must establish prices that motivate us to give everything.

    This dedication makes us very exclusive with the companies we work with in the management of their social networks. It is already known that whoever covers a lot, squeezes little.



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